
How would you differentiate between atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis? 

Difficulty: Easy

Difference between Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis:


Atherosclerosis is a disease affecting arteries. It is commonly referred to as a "narrowing" of the arteries. It is a chronic disease in which there is an accumulation of fatty materials, abnormal amounts of smooth muscles, cholesterol, or fibrin in the arteries. When this condition is severe, the arteries can no longer expand and contract properly, and the blood moves through them with difficulty. The accumulation of cholesterol is the prime contributor to atherosclerosis. It results in the formation of multiple deposits called plaques within the arteries. Plaques can form blood clots called thrombi within arteries. If a thrombus dislodges and becomes free-floating, it is called an embolus.


Arteriosclerosis is a general term describing any hardening of arteries. It occurs when calcium is deposited in the walls of arteries. It can happen when atherosclerosis is severe. 

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