What are three kinds of sentences according to structure?
Difficulty: Easy
Kinds of Sentences:
There are three kinds of sentences according to structure: simple, compound and complex.
- Simple Sentence:
All main clauses can stand as simple sentences when the rest of the sentence is removed.
- Most of us take life for granted.
- When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable.
- Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as twenty-four hours.
In the above examples, the main clauses stand as complete simple sentences, even without the rest of the sentence.
2. Compound Sentence:
A compound sentence contains two or more main clauses.
- Night came on and the room grew dark.
- He is rich, yet he is not happy.
- Complex Sentence
3. Complex Sentence
A complex sentence consists of one or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.
- It is the same old story of not being grateful (main clause) for what we have until we lose it (subordinate clause).
- If I were the president of a university (subordinate clause), I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes" (main clause).
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