
On closing the jaws Of a Vernier Calipers, zero of the Vernier scale is on the right to its main scale such that the 4th division of its Vernier scale coincides with one of the main scale divisions. Find its zero error and zero correction.(+0.04cm, -0.04 cm)

Difficulty: Easy


Main scale reading = 0.0 cm.

Vernier division coinciding with main scale = 4th division

Vernier scale reading = $4\times$ 0.01 cm = 0.04 cm
Zero error = 0.0 cm + 0.04 cm = 0.04 cm
Zero correction (Z.C) = -0.04 cm
The zero error of the Vernier scale is 0.04cm and its zero correction is -0.04cm
(Vernier division coinciding with main scale) = 4 div
Vernier scale reading = $4 \times 0.01$ cm
                                     = 0.04 cm

Since zero of the Vernier scale is on the right side of the zero of the main scale, thus the instrument has measured more than the actual reading. It Is said to be positive zero error.

Zero correction is the negative of zero error. Thus

Zero error = +0.04 cm

and Zero correction = - 0.04 cm

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