
Describe the significance of major forests.

Difficulty: Medium

 Vegetation (Forest):

           Due to variations in climatic conditions of Pakistan, the following types of forests are found here:

Forest of North-Western Areas:

          Some northern and northwestern areas of Pakistan receive more rain as compared to that of other areas. Evergreen forests are found here. The most important of them are of deodar trees, firs, blue pine and spruce trees (sanobar). High-quality timber-yard is available by these trees. Oak, walnut and chestnut trees are found in abundance.

Important Forest Areas:

             Muree, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Chitral, Swat and Dir are places full of forests.

Forest of foot-hill Areas:

            In the foot-hill areas of the districts of Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat, Attock, Rawalpindi, Jhelum and Gujrat, mostly phulahi, Kao, jand, acacia, wild olive and blackberry trees are found.

Forest of Quetta and Kallat Divisions of Balochistan:

           In Quetta and Kallat Divisions of Balochistan, besides thorny bushes, there are trees of mazoo, Pine nuts, blackberry and poplar.

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