
Describe the Climate of Balochistan Plateau.

Difficulty: Medium

Climate of Balochistan Plateau:

     The climate of Balochistan Plateau is extremely hot during summers and extremely cold during winters. Some areas having high altitude receive snow-fall during winter. This is the driest area of Pakistan. Winter Snow-fall is an important source of the availability of water reservoirs in this area. During summer, water is stored in dales and small rivers. Hence, lakes and seasonal streams are found here.

Use of Kareez:

       The rain-water is stored and is carried from one place to another through underground channels called “Kareez”. These underground channels are very important because of the high temperature in Balochistan. Water cannot evaporate from there. These water channels have made farming possible in this area.

Source of Income:

     The income of the people living in this area mostly depends upon the rearing of sheep, goats and other cattle. Tins area is rich in producing fruits and mineral resources. The source of living of people depends upon the availability of local resources.


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